
Sunday, 3 April 2011

SEW A-LONG aprons

dressmakingThis week on the sew a-long challenge we will be making aprons. I got my inspiration from Betz White, I borrowed her book Sewing Green from the library at Christmas when looking for present ideas. She had made aprons from old shirts, and I thought about old pillow cases. The pillow case I have chosen has a lovely silky boarder.
As usual it didn't all go tho plan, I put the ties on upside down so the hems don't match, but you would have to look hard to notice it when I'm wearing it. And yes I have already been wearing it, my apron is very comfortable and works well. It may look a little plain to some of you but I'm not one for lots of frills and spills and I am very happy!


  1. I like it - I can't decide whether to go crazy and make something completely ridiculous (that means lots of ruffles etc for me) or to do something that I might actually use - oh decisions!!

  2. AS soon as I finished I was ready to make another, I think they may be addictive!
